RSSCategory: Benelli

Gun Dog’s 9 Upland Guns: Our Take

Gun Dog’s 9 Upland Guns: Our Take

When you see a headline like “9 Upland Shotguns You Should Know About” from one of the magazines, you know it means “9 Upland Guns Our Advertisers Want You To Know About.” And since we all go into it knowing that, that’s okay. So are the nine guns worth knowing about? Eh, sorta. Below are […]

November 7, 2011 | By | 9 Replies More
PFest Guns: CT A-10, Beretta, Benelli

PFest Guns: CT A-10, Beretta, Benelli

Every gun (and ammo) manufacturer that should have been at Pheasant Fest wasn’t (that’s a hint for all you slacker manufacturers…). But of those who were there, the following guns got my attention and here’s why:

February 1, 2011 | By | 4 Replies More